Blog Guest Post
How Much to Charge for a Blog Sponsored Guest Post

Guest posting on the right website or blog can contribute to profits and traffic
How Much to Charge for A Sponsored Guest Post?
For us to post a Sponsored Blog Guest Post on on our website the price starts at $100. The Price can go well into the $1000s depending on the content and company.
What are the Requirements for a Blog Guest Post?
- A Well written article must be provided.
- The minimum number of words needs to be no less than 1000 words.
- Can not be spammy and the article can not be used on any other website
- The word Custom T-shirt needs to be included in the Article
- Can NOT be a t-shirt Printing Company
Do we allow DO FOLLOW Links for Sponsored posts?
Yes, we will allow 1 Do-Follow Link. The link must be inside the Content.
How to write a Guest Post?
The most important thing is to write something of value. Make sure that you are providing quality content. Our Blog specializes in Helping people. We try to give you the information that you might need. If you are writing a Guest Post for us you can talk about a lot of different topics. If it's a drone you will want to make sure that you add something about drones and customs t-shirts. It can be anything such as don't forget that you can make custom t-shirts for your drone event. Just don't forget what type of website we are.
Why Charge for a Blog Guest Post?
Guest Post Brings Value
Guest Post can be a valuable tool. Just look at our post about what is the Best DTG Printer? Not only is it ranked high but the content on our post can help influence customers to make a purchasing decision based on which printers we enjoy. We are a custom t-shirt printing company so who better to ask if you are looking for a printer than someone that is actually familiar with them and uses them on a day-to-day basis.
Brings Your Website Traffic
Guest Posting Brings your website or Blog a lot of new traffic. Especially if the Article is placed on a website like ours. We cater to Small Businesses and People in General. Our niche is Custom t-shirts and who does not wear graphic t-shirts?
How to contact us for a Sponsored Post
Click Here to Contact Us For Sponsored Post